Dummy Rounds
These links are provided for your convenience, in event you would like to use them in your own sustainment training or personal use.
Please Adhere to the THREE RULES OF SAFE DRY FIRE!
1. Properly CLEAR YOUR FIREARM(s): I recommend you adopt a specific protocol for clearing your firearms, where you OBSERVE THE CHAMBER to ensure it is clear of ammunition; OBSERVE THE MAGAZINE WELL to ensure the magazine is removed (or for revolvers, Observe each chamber of the open cylinder); & PAUSE A MOMENT to reflect, and either announcing out loud or inside your head that the "Gun is Clear". If you are uncertain of how to clear your firearm, refer to the Owner's Manual or other online resources.
2. Absolutely NO LIVE AMMO in the Same Room as Your Dry-Fire Practice: Remove the magazine and the round in your chamber in a separate room from where you intend to conduct your dry fire practice; conduct the Three Point Clearing Process described above; secure your magazine / live ammunition; then take the unloaded / cleared firearm into the room or area you have a designated safe backstop.
3. Ensure You Have a SAFE BACKSTOP: All types of ammunition will penetrate through multiple layers of sheetrock that is typical of interior walls in the U.S. Make sure whatever backstop you have beyond your dry fire targets will actually stop a projectile. Examples would include a rock fireplace; the freezer portion of a refrigerator that is full of ice / frozen food; or a gun safe. These examples would not be 'hazard free', however, as you may experience spalling of bullet fragments & backstop materials.
Note: Several of these contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase when clicking a link.
Please Adhere to the THREE RULES OF SAFE DRY FIRE!
1. Properly CLEAR YOUR FIREARM(s): I recommend you adopt a specific protocol for clearing your firearms, where you OBSERVE THE CHAMBER to ensure it is clear of ammunition; OBSERVE THE MAGAZINE WELL to ensure the magazine is removed (or for revolvers, Observe each chamber of the open cylinder); & PAUSE A MOMENT to reflect, and either announcing out loud or inside your head that the "Gun is Clear". If you are uncertain of how to clear your firearm, refer to the Owner's Manual or other online resources.
2. Absolutely NO LIVE AMMO in the Same Room as Your Dry-Fire Practice: Remove the magazine and the round in your chamber in a separate room from where you intend to conduct your dry fire practice; conduct the Three Point Clearing Process described above; secure your magazine / live ammunition; then take the unloaded / cleared firearm into the room or area you have a designated safe backstop.
3. Ensure You Have a SAFE BACKSTOP: All types of ammunition will penetrate through multiple layers of sheetrock that is typical of interior walls in the U.S. Make sure whatever backstop you have beyond your dry fire targets will actually stop a projectile. Examples would include a rock fireplace; the freezer portion of a refrigerator that is full of ice / frozen food; or a gun safe. These examples would not be 'hazard free', however, as you may experience spalling of bullet fragments & backstop materials.
Note: Several of these contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase when clicking a link.