Industry Supporters
I will occasionally reach out to others within the firearms industry to solicit their support, either for products or instructional materials, to enhance the learning experience of my clients. Listed below are some of those who have provided some of their products for my students to use, or that I routinely recommend to clients. While I by no means solely endorse these products or vendors as the only viable options available, I do endorse them as high quality (...otherwise I wouldn't post them here, and they would have been returned to the vendor with my feedback as to recommended improvements...).
If you are one of my students and were interested in something you saw or used in a class, please use the link(s) below & let the vendor know you saw it at Cold Bore Tactical, LLC, and that Mike Schaeper sent you to them; And if you're a vendor & would like to send some of your quality product for exposure with my students, feel free to use the Contact Us tab to the left and we'll talk. However, you should understand upfront that I do not push these products for sale in the classroom or on the range; I merely use them to sensitize the client as to differing styles and options available. Either your product will sell itself, or it won't. I find it unprofessional & a distraction to give a marketing pitch during a course ( it tends to turn people off to your product any way...).
If you are one of my students and were interested in something you saw or used in a class, please use the link(s) below & let the vendor know you saw it at Cold Bore Tactical, LLC, and that Mike Schaeper sent you to them; And if you're a vendor & would like to send some of your quality product for exposure with my students, feel free to use the Contact Us tab to the left and we'll talk. However, you should understand upfront that I do not push these products for sale in the classroom or on the range; I merely use them to sensitize the client as to differing styles and options available. Either your product will sell itself, or it won't. I find it unprofessional & a distraction to give a marketing pitch during a course ( it tends to turn people off to your product any way...).